

The Masses Speak

A couple of days ago the following story hit my inbox from Marketwatch (story below, link here): WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — While you watch the Super Bowl, dozens of online-savvy consumers and Web loggers will be watching the Net to see how the game’s TV commercials are playing in Peoria. Intelliseek Inc. of Cincinnati and New Media Strategies of Arlington, Va., have lined up dozens of people to surf Web sites, blogs and message boards to get a fast read on the effectiveness and popularity of marketers’ commercials. With TV costing as much as $2.  million for a 30-second spot, companies want to know whether their money was spent wisely. As people post comments about the ads on the Web, the…

I need better user statistics

I just set up FeedBurner on my site to start tracking readers.  I should have done this a long time ago (where long time = 7 days ago when I started my blog).  I’m pretty bummed with the stats that are available on TypePad.  By pretty bummed, I mean that the stats are essentially useless.  They don’t have any information on click-through nor do they tell me either what aggregators are  hitting my site (although I can see a little of this in the referrers section, which is pretty much the only part of their statistics that I find useful) and they definitely don’t tell me how many underlying readers there are for my site because they can’t surface information…