Archives / November, 2018

Designing the Ideal Board Meeting – Board Conflict

This is the 5th post in my Designing the Ideal Board Meeting series. Today’s post focuses on board conflict and disagreements. It’s not something that’s often talked about on boards and I think the fear of conflict often drives some of the negative behavior I’ve encouraged you to avoid through my earlier posts (a great example of conflict avoidant behavior is a CEO calling each board member ahead of the meeting – something I think at its core is done to head off any disagreements at the actual meeting itself). Let me start with a story: One of the first boards I was ever on was run by a rather mercurial CEO. He was very command and control oriented and was…

Designing the Ideal Board Meeting – The Board Meeting

This is the 4th post in my Designing the Ideal Board Meeting series. I hope this series so far has helped you think a bit differently about how you approach the lead-up to your board meetings. By the time you walk into the meeting you should have a clear agenda that everyone has agreed to, one or two areas of the business that you plan to dive more deeply into, prepared materials that are of a style, length, detail and consistency that efficiently and effectively brings your board up to speed on the business and have been communicating with your board regularly so that there aren’t any big surprises in store for them when they get to the meeting. Here…